

8 Eylül 2010 Çarşamba

FIBA's new president eager to strengthen FIBA

The newly elected president of FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, said on Monday that he would work to improve FIBA and basketball. Yvan Mainini said that he would exert efforts to strengthen FIBA and enhance organizations.

 Mainini also said that the ongoing World Basketball Championship hosted by Turkey would set an example for the whole world.
Describing the world tournament as a qualified sports event, FIBA's new president Yvan Mainini said that the Turkish Basketball Federation had grown remarkably in the last 20 years and it had become one of the most successful federations in the world.

Noting that basketball was played at a very high standard at the ongoing world tournament in Turkey, Mainini said he expected the participating teams to express their full potentials especially during the quarter finals.
FIBA's new president Yvan Mainini, who was elected Monday as the 11th FIBA President at a congress in Istanbul, held a press conference with FIBA Secretary General Patrick Baumann.
The 19th FIBA World Congress has ended in Istanbul on Monday. In an election held on the last day of the World Congress at the Swiss Hotel, French Yvan Mainini was elected as the new FIBA President. Mainini replaced Australian Bob Elphinston.
It is only every four years that FIBA's 213 member national federations meet during the World Congress.
The 19th edition of this important meeting was scheduled for 4, 5 and 6 September 2010 in Istanbul, Turkey.
7 September 2010

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